Uses for a barrel of oil
Some interesting facts about oil and natural gas
Oil is measured in barrels and the abbreviation for barrels is commonly known as Bbls
One (1) Barrel of oil equals forty-two (42) gallons which equates to one hundred and fifty-nine (159) liters
One (1) Barrel of oil equivalent to natural gas is 5.487mcf or 5,487 cubic feet of gas
Natural gas is measured in one (1) MMBtu which is an abbreviation for one thousand (1000) cubic feet of natural gas at one thousand (1000) British Thermal Units
Also known as one (1) MCF which is the abbreviation for one thousand (1000) cubic feet of natural gas. A box 10 feet deep, 10 feet long, and 10 feet wide would hold one thousand cubic feet of natural gas.
A Btu is an energy rating where one (1) Btu the abbreviation for one(1) British thermal unit is the amount of heat or energy required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit.